


Buzzer production that step need to use dispensing machine

作者:点胶技术分析   日期:2017-11-23 18:08   浏览:

LED dispenser dispensing work is extremely broad, buzzer production also has a place, we will first understand the role of buzzer, and then understand the specific role of dispensing machine in the production of this product.
When we understand the production of LED dispenser, we must first understand the definition of buzzer. The buzzer is a small unit type electronic audio component, which uses the form of direct current to provide kinetic energy to make the vibration device and the vibration device to produce sound components. This kind of small component has a wide range of applications, and is suitable for use on electronic products such as TV sets, automobiles, mobile phones and so on. The function is to send out certain sounds.
There are many kinds of its types: electric buzzer and Magnetic Buzzer, which can be divided into two categories. Electric buzzer which is composed of a self-excited oscillator, voltage resonance, resistance ratio device etc. some also equipped with LED light, is through the current starting oscillator to promote electronic proportioning device to give voltage resonance film sound motive. The buzzer, the structure is somewhat different, in addition to the oscillator outside, are electromagnetic coils and magnets, shock membrane. The reason lies in the interaction of magnets and coils. Most of the types of LED dispenser used on the buzzer are electrically operated buzzer.
Electric buzzer on voltage resonance, self-excited oscillator, resistance ratio has some glue dispensing place, especially the voltage resonance film must be carefully to seriously use dispenser dispensing, main components of it but the buzzer, itself are generally made in a mixture of metal conductor, pottery ends by electroplating the form of plated metal silver as electrode, and the magnetization and after aging, and copper or aluminium sheet of LED dispenser dispensing operation to sticking up.