


What type of dispensing needle can be used in LED automatic

作者:点胶技术分析   日期:2017-10-30 16:37   浏览:

The dispensing process technology are based on the traditional manual dispensing and manual dispensing efficiency due to not only slow, dispensing quality is also poor, resulting in a large number of bad products, this is Bob and the country to promote the conservation of raw materials policy, at the same time a large number of glue caused the increasing atmospheric pollution and production cost. The dispensing industry for the first time the revolution was born, the birth of LED automatic dispensing machine has solved many of the problems encountered, production for example: recruitment is difficult, high cost, less profit etc..
Production mode for a period of time will bring great changes to the production, but in the late production of dispensing process also encountered many problems. For example, the selection of needles for LED automatic dispensing machine is one of them. With the increasing application scope of dispenser, the types of dispensing products are constantly changing, which also requires the dispensing machine to make corresponding improvements to meet the needs of production. The dispensing needle is one of the important parts, it is also a wide variety of species changes, it is selected according to the LED automatic dispensing machine models and different product types and different types of glue factors combination.
The choice of different types of automatic dispensing needles specifications are not the same, such as ordinary dispensing machine using a common needle on the line, but if you encounter LED automatic dispensing machine, the needle is not ordinary dispensing operation, because the hot melt glue dispensing machine using glue nature is special, in the dispensing process need to the glue is heated in order to successfully complete the dispensing needle into the ordinary work, because it is made from plastic, if used in the dispensing machine will cause melting phenomenon, so the LED automatic dispensing machine in the dispensing process a special needle to complete dispensing work. 大号点胶针头